Show if formula not working on enum every time

Bronze 1
Bronze 1


I have an issue that the enum value doesn't show up every time when a show if formula is enabled, to make it work I have to discard the form and make a new one and it works, sometimes.

It's just very random.

First I have a formula in a column named Issue


This works great.

Then I have another formula in a column named toProfile


This column have 2 enum values, sometimes (50%) I chose "Change Profile" and the toProfile column doesn't show up


If I discard the form and re-do it, sometimes it shows up as it should


I have another column named "File" that has the formula [Issue] = "Missing / Stolen" and if that option is chosen an upload file option comes up - This works every time and never been a problem, so it seems to be something with enum values not rendering after the show if formula [Issue] = "Change Profile"

Any help would be greatful.

Thanks in advance

0 4 143

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Use ISNOTBLANK([IMEI]) rather than [IMEI]<>"".

Thanks for the reply, I've made that change but don't think it has anything to do with the original issue, or this didn't fix it.

The [IMEI]<>"" formula, however ineffective it might be has worked every time but the issue is the "toProfile" column that has the formula [Issue] = "Change Profile"

The column Issue is also an Enum, so a dropdown.

This does not show the enum values randomly, if I fill in the form and chose that option, only the chosen answer is displayed and not the enums


Then I discard it and fill it in again with the exact same information and 50% of the time the values will be shown



I just tried to change it from Enum to Price just to have another value there and same issue, so nothing with the enum values so I am unsure why this happens 

the formulas [Issue] = "Missing / Stolen" ( a upload file window) shows what it is supposed to show every time I try it but just not [Issue] = "Change Profile" (2 enum values)

Are there any Valid IfSuggested values, and/or Editable? expressions involved? If so, please post screenshots.

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

I feel stupid now

The enum values for some reason was on top, so I couldn't see them when they popped up at the top, but sometimes it popped up at the bottom where I had it according to  Views -> Column Order ...

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