Slice Containing more rows than will display

I have a slice that divides up a list of customers based off of a score that gets calculated in a virtual column.  Based on this slice I have another virtual column create an average LATLONG coordinate for the slice of customers.  However when I make a deck view and map view of this slice, I only see seven customers but I can see the average coordinate is being calculated off of 22 customers.  I can see this when I make another test virtual column listing the customers in the slice.  Why would the slice be including other customers when it wont display them in a view?

0 2 43

If you are implying the Deck View,based on the Slice, is not showing all of the expected rows contained in the Slice, Then you'll need to show us more details on that.

However, if it's the Map View that is having issues, i.e. you are not seeing pins for all of the rows, then it's likely your Map View settings are limiting the number of pins shown. See images below

Map View Settings

Screenshot 2024-03-10 at 1.33.06 PM.png


View Cluster Size - (likely not the issue but you should be aware of it)

Screenshot 2024-03-10 at 1.34.30 PM.png

Thanks for getting back to me.  My map pin limit is currently set to 3000 and I am aware of how the cluster feature works.  I'll attach some screenshots with the formula for the slice, and then my UX editor settings for my deck view.  appsheet 3.pngappsheet 2.pngappsheet 1.png

Next I'll show you the formula for the virtual column on these customers that should be generating the "Average LATLONG" for the region and then another virtual column that gives a list of LAT that it uses to generate that average

appsheet 5.pngappsheet 4.pngLet me know if any other screen grabs would be helpful

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