Slice Expression

So I have the following columns

  1. Today's Date
  2. Scope ID (aka a serial number)


I want to filter our rows in a slice based on the following requirements

  1. Today()-[Today's Date]>=7 days
  2. We only look at the most recent [Today's Date] values of each serial number


Any help would be greatly appreciated. I also thought about making a virtual column but the premise is that it needs to be done before rows of data is entered and would make sense to calculate when data is entered and it has already been greater than 7 days. 

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@provisrudd wrote:
  1. We only look at the most recent [Today's Date] values of each serial number

How do I get the last row of this thing only?



I tried the following but i'm having no success. There are multiple copies of the dates for some reason.

  ([_THISROW].[Todays Date] = [Scope ID])


@provisrudd wrote:

There are multiple copies of the dates for some reason.

I don't understand what this means.

@provisrudd wrote:

the most recent [Today's Date] values

If your rows are not in chronological order by [Todays Date], then referencing the maximum "_ROWNUMBER" value is not what you need. You probably should reference the maximum "Todays Date" value in your MAXROW function.

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