Slice to show next 90 days

Hi, I have a slice for all renewals, I would like a slice to show me the renewals in the next 90 days but I’m obviously not doing it right.

All renewals expression:

[B&C Status]=B and C Renewals

Renewals in 90 days expression:

AND([B&C Status]=B and C Renewals,[Mortgage Renewal Date] <= (TODAY()+90), ISNOTBLANK([Mortgage Renewal Date]), [Mortgage Renewal Date]>=TODAY() )

Can someone please help me get this right.

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Are you using a view that is configured to use this slice?

View solution in original post


Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Put quotes around B and C Renewals?

[B&C Status]="B and C Renewals"

See also:

Tried it but still showing the same results as the first slice without the extra filters.

Are you using a view that is configured to use this slice?

It’s always something simple haha. Thanks for reminding me.

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