Slow? Or is it just me?

It seems to be taking longer than usual to load my app in the editor and for syncs to occur when I use the app on my phone. Is it just me? If this is an issue that others have noticed, I wonder if itโ€™s related to the migration to Google or to recent issues with the editor.

5 54 2,252

Hi Kirk, I havenโ€™t seen anything like that today. Are you still seeing the same?

Thanks for your response!

Yes. I think some of my problem is that my app has gotten too big. I may need to figure out how to maintain functionality while reducing or reconfiguring some of my virtual columns.

Still, it seems to me that that app editor is slow to load. I just tested my internet connection and the download speed is about 90 mbps. Still, opening a tiny app in the app editor from My Apps takes about 20 seconds(Chrome browser, Mac). Opening the main app Iโ€™m working on (which, again, is very large) takes about 2:35. The first two minutes seem to be just to get the app in the editor and the last 30 seconds or so seem to be used to resync the app.

I know my app is getting too big but I havenโ€™t added much to it recently. I donโ€™t have time comparisons but Iโ€™m pretty sure I was able to open it in a good deal less that one minute. So, it seems to me that something has changed either in the connection between Japan and AppSheet or on the AppSheet side.

@tsuji_koichi, are your apps opening quickly?

Hello friend @Kirk_Masden
Honestly, before you posted this, I was on the feel it takes longer than before when we open the app in app โ€œeditorโ€. My app is relatively large and complicated as always, and placing bunch of implementation to reduce the amount of time to run VC calculation etc. To sync my app it takes 10 sec + , which is my standard and threthhold to manage my client app.
However, it takes far too long to open app in editor to edit and do some jobs on appโ€ฆ It is surely taking more time than before.

Thats my observation.

Ditto, waiting for the editor to load (especially the first time opening an app for the day) be like

Just timed my most complicated App. It was 7mins 10 secs from โ€œSave & Verifyโ€ to seeing it start to sync. Though that was whilst watching Youtube on what is quite an old PC. Also another PC was downloading a big update. A sync on its own took 27sec.

Paused youtube and the download and the same processes took 6mins 28secs

So Iโ€™m basically spending over 2 hours every day waiting for Appsheet to save my changes

Wow! Sounds similar to my situation, though a bit worse. I take it that this is quite different from what you were experiencing a few weeks ago, right?

I think it started getting worse over a month or so ago. All of a sudden my apps started gerating warnings that they hadnโ€™t checked all the template file equations


Thanks for flagging everyone, this sounds bad. Let us look into it.

@1minManager I am having the same issues, for about the time.

me too, on the mobile version, at browser is working;

Just FYI, seems better to me now.

My times are still quite slow but a few seconds faster than yesterday: 17 seconds for the tiny app and 2:27 for the big one (both times are what it takes to open the app to edit in the editor). Iโ€™ll follow @Aleksiโ€™s advice and send my information to support.

Hi everyone. If you still see some abnormal behavior with the save times (on editor), would you please contact our support team at with details. We would like to monitor the delay and see what could cause this.
#1 - App name
#2 - Account ID number
#3 - Would you please also give access to your app/account so we are able to investigate what the issue might be. You can do that from My Account > Settings > โ€œAllow AppSheet staff to accessโ€ฆโ€

Thanks, Aleksi

By the way, Iโ€™m trying to open My Account and 3 minutes have already passed. Something is weird. Have other people had trouble getting into My Account?

Oh, just now, at 5 minutes, My Account has started to open . . . but itโ€™s still not done yet. Very strange.

Wow. Opening the My Account page always seems to take longer than others, but not minutes. Maybe 30 seconds or so

I do chin-up excersise while I wait for App editor to up and running after loggin in. My muscle is gettin stronger day by dayโ€ฆ joke.

Yes, not a 3,4, 5 minutes, but my case is 60 sec PLUS to open.


Iโ€™m studying Chinese characters. Iโ€™m preparing for a test (ๆผขๅญ—ๆคœๅฎšไบŒ็ดš) and I do exercises (practice problems in preparation for the test) as I wait. In fact, I was just doing that a few minutes before I read your post. Now, time for some physical exercise.

Since Covid, I have my computer on an island in the kitchen - a stand up desk. While waiting for the app to reload, I empty parts of the dishwasher, doing more each time I save and verify. Sometimes I switch the laundry.

I need to do some exercises as well.

It would be fun to see all the strange things we do while waiting.

Hi @Aleksi

Checked again this morning and its taking 6mins 15secs to get into the App. Approx 1min less. Iโ€™ll report as suggested


Response from Appsheet:

Thank you for contacting Google Cloud Support.

We are aware of the issue causing the editor to load slow. Our dev team is looking into this issue.

Please be assured. The issue will be addressed at the earliest.

Loading and saving became crazy.

Takes far too long

If you are still seeing the same, would you please send your details to so we could investigate your account/app as well, thanks.

@Aleksi @Steve

Was anyone raise a ticket to ? Bunch of people should have been reporting this issue here in community, but not seeing any update from Appsheet team so far.
I appreciate if a pinned thread pointing out this particualr issue is put by Appsheet so that we stay focused on that thread rather than people continuously report this through the new thread etc.

I agree. But the good people at AppSheet are aware of this and working on it. I suspect the situation will improve fairly soon.

Same issue. Long time to load, app editor very slow.

Please contact for help with this.

Response times are really frustrating since a few days. Especially in the editor thatโ€™s quite annoyingโ€ฆ

@tsuji_koichi Yes we received few of them and engineering team is investigating at this moment.

Thank you for confirmation and advice, good to hear dev team is on the case. Appreciate if you could share the update public here in this community onwards.

Yes we will when the main reason is found.

We experience the same issue.
Since 2 or 3 week ago, our apps take anything from 4 to 20 minutes to save.
It happened with all our apps.
We suspect it has to do with Google and new servers, but we cannot say for sure.

Impossible to continue develop apps with this.
Appsheet has to solve this, or we just have to quit appsheet!

New Member

HI Everyone, I wanted to provide you a quick update from the engineering team.
We have been looking on these reports actively for the last week or so. We havenโ€™t found and been able to confirm the root cause of these loading perf delays at this time. We actually had a few engineers still working through this over the week end.
I know this is not the answer you were hoping to get from me probably as I donโ€™t have a light to offer at the end of the tunnel yet, other than we have the most senior engineers dedicated to investigating this at the moment.
I commit to keep you updated through the week as we figure out whatโ€™s happeningโ€ฆ


Iโ€™m in the UK and have had no issues regarding saving etc if that is of any help to the appsheet team. It normally takes about a 90 seconds to save and sync which is normal for me.

I have abput 35/40 tables in my sales software and lots of SELECT expressions which is why I believe is takes 90 seconds among other expressions that slow it down.

I also have another app in use for our delivery drivers that is simplified and has 1 table. It takes a few seconds to save and sync.

Here is a screenshot of the app properties for the main one. Iโ€™d be interested to know how big/small other peoples apps are and how long they take to sync?



20 tables (some big ones up to 700 columns), takes around 90 secs as well. Region Netherlands.

Hereโ€™s some added color to what Thierry has shared.

We think some of the latency in saving small editor changes is related to the partial migration state โ€” some of our servers are in Google Cloud and some are still on Azure. We expect to be entirely done migrating by the end of the Labor Day weekend. So we think that will help but we have to wait and see.

Saving an app change in the editor should never take minutes. We are unable to reproduce that. If you report this, please also let us know which country you are working from. That might give us some clues.

When you do โ€œSave & Verifyโ€, that reads your data and verifies it. So that is like doing a sync, but probably more work than a regular sync. Again, it should take time comparable with a sync, not โ€œgo load the dishwasherโ€ time.

Hello, @praveen @TDhers

I have noticed quite a slowdown to access the editor and save function, since a week or so.

It took 40-45 now than the 20-25 before.

I recently changed my computer, so I carried out some tests on two different machines to see if the issue was on my side.

I have a 1Gbโ€™s fiber so network latency or bandwidth from my side can be exclude.

The performance test are consistent on both computer.

I will highly summarized the connection step to access AppSheet Editor :

Made this test for two App. ( a complex and a simple one )

The first get for HTML Template retrieval to

This first step by iself took 20 sec [19.9sec for network transfer and 15ms to load ressource]

  • it strongly depends on the complexity of the application [ the simple one took 8sec ]

Then it take 1 sec to process and made the next request for the api call. ( pretty good and efficient )

The second main request is for the Json App Data Definition call to the api

Took again 21 sec [20.5 for network transfer and 500ms to load ressource]
the decode fonction from 105kB to 15.2 MB donโ€™t seems to be the the problem.

  • it strongly depends on the complexity of the application [ the simple one took 5 sec ]

From my undertanding it took 20 sec to launch the editor, another 20 sec to โ€œfeedโ€ it with the Json app deffinition, and a minus 3-4 sec to have a workable editor session after those two big steps.

So, as it was already well know the editor acces time is relative to the complexity of the app, and that where the increase saving time come from too.

So what change since then, i donโ€™t think itโ€™s linked to resources or backend region disponibility. [ i use a VPN to switch region and test it too]

I donโ€™t know how the Template and the Json definition are stored but both are less than 100Kb to send. Those two call count for 80% of the time.
( Loading, browser Java Proccesing, Auth, etc overlap so doesnโ€™t really count on the final acces time )

Since not all the AppSheet infrastructre is yet on GCP, it must come from the mixed GCP < call > Azure architecture.

I donโ€™t mind waiting 40 sec to access editor but 40 at any change/save made is quite frustrating.

I have full confidence on the team to success at making and finalizing this transition.

Hope all this turn back to โ€œnormalโ€ when Appsheet will be fully integrated to GCP.

PS: i can share chrome performance log to the team.

Cannot attest to the 5+ minutes to load the apps but I have noticed if Iโ€™m opening an app its 30 seconds compared to 5-10 prior. In terms of actual time itโ€™s nothing compared to others but percent wise it is about 3-4 times longer now. Only really seems to affect the editor not the apps themselves; they are as snappy or as slow as normal operation. I did have a few days where just going from an editor to My Account would take about a minute and had a couple 504 gateway errors that were cured by a simple refresh. Will record the times and what not if I have those again.

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