Some Users can't refresh app after submitting data to form

We are a solar sales company and have an app for project management and payroll

One of the views is called "Submit New Deal", which is a form our sales reps use to submit the info for the deals they sign. They submit text data, reference names for reps, and 10 to 17 photos of the customer's utility bill and photos of the home, utility meter, and roof. 

The text data is sent to a google spreadsheet as a new row, and the photos are sent to a google drive folder. 

We have about 20 sales rep right now and most of them have no issues whatsoever. They put all the info into the form, click save, and then hit the refresh button in the upper-righthand corner. Takes about 30 seconds to save changes and then everything goes through successfully. 

However, I have one rep that seems to keep on having issues with the form. He clicks save, hit the refresh button, and it just keeps trying to save the changes, but it never completes. He uses an iphone 13 pro and I had him switch the photo quality to "Most Compatible" on his Camera settings. He also makes sure to have a good internet connection when trying to submit. 

Would really like some feedback on this as I'm going in circles trying to figure this out. 

0 4 69

Hi, has he tried reinstalling the app, or giving him a new link? He has the latest version etc.

Hey Ehtz,

I have had him try reinstalling the app multiple times. Not sure what you mean about giving him a new link or latest version. As in removing him from the shared and then sending a new invite? I've tried that as well. 

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Please contact AppSheet Support for help with this.

Okay sent it over. 

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