Source Data Updating

Good Morning All.

I apologize for the newby questions. I just cant find the answer i need  in previous posts.

My app is up and running and works great.  It is read only reference scanning app. Scan a UPC code and information related to that item are displayed as the result. The end user cannot add or delete any information.

My question is - I want to update the source data (excel spreadsheet) via BOX approximately once per month.  This is one spread sheet with 2 separate tables within.  Is there an easy way to update these data sources without having to rebuild my forms, references and settings each time? Each table will have identical column headers etc, just updated records within the columns.

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What exactly do you mean by "update the data source"?

  1. Insert new data into the existing sheets? You're free to do that at any time.
  2. Insert new sheets? You'd have to manually add any new sheets as new Table into the app.
  3. Or something else?

Thanks Marc.

Yes, just replacing the existing data with new data in the existing sheets. I don't want to change anything within the app at this point, just update the data that the app references.

I must be missing how to "insert data into the existing sheets". Is there a link or documentation to do that?

How do you intend to replace the data? Just manually copy-paste into the backend excel?

I am not 100% sure the best method to be honest. How often does AppSheet reference data from the source data? (if it does at all). Does data need to be updated from within Appsheet or from Box (my data source)?

Sorry again for the silly questions.

After a small test of data, I had loaded the identically named sheets  (identical columns, just with more data on them), and i then had to add new references and do the settings all again. Almost like it was brand new data.

How often does AppSheet reference data from the source data? (if it does at all).

Whenever the app syncs.


Does data need to be updated from within Appsheet or from Box (my data source)?

There are no such requirements.


After a small test of data, I had loaded the identically named sheets  (identical columns, just with more data on them), and i then had to add new references and do the settings all again. Almost like it was brand new data.

Because if it's a new sheet, it IS brand new data.

Just try and manually paste in all of the new data to the existing sheet.

Hi Matt, I have had the same question and doing the same with one spreadsheet (for now, LOL).  I have found that as long as the key is not the rownumber you can refresh it without issue.

Would be nice to upload an excel or CSV file and press go.

All the Best.

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