Specific Combination of values in Enum list


    I want the user to select a specific combination of values from the enum-list , where if user selected a different combination the app will not accept that values. 

for example, if the fields of enum-list is { "Orange", "mango", " banana "," Guava "} in buttons view  , if i want the user to select a specific list of combinations like  (1- Orange  , 2- Orange, Mango, Banana  3- Banana, Guava ) only

if the user selected different combination , the app should not accept 

How i can write the formula in the Data Validity ,

can someone help !

0 1 62

I'm not sure if it will be possible to achieve exactly what you want. You can start by using a quick-edit detail view, instead of a form. Then use another column to add up the enumList options in the order that they were selected. I'm thinking something like:

  1. reset_on_edit=[_THISROW_BEFORE].[enumlist] <> [enumlist],
  2. initial value= [_THISROW_BEFORE].[this_column] + ([enumlist] - [_THISROW_BEFORE].[this_column])
  3. valid_if = text( [this-column] ) = "order of items that you want"
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