Spinning when copying app

Hi all,

I am trying to copy an app and checked the following:

"Make a copy of table data for the new app" to make the MYSQL tables as Google Sheets

However, the process just keep spinning for 5 minutes before giving me an error as follows:

Error Creating App
Error creating app on the server: <html><head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <title>502 Server Error</title> </head> <body text=#000000 bgcolor=#ffffff> <h1>Error: Server Error</h1> <h2>The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.<p>Please try again in 30 seconds.</h2> <h2></h2> </body></html>
Any suggestions please?
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App copies often time out on large apps with large tables. Are you app and tables very large? One time I spent over an hour simply trying to copy an app over and over again until it finally worked. If that doesn't work for you, copy the individual tables first, then make a copy without copying the data, then re-point all of the tables to the new sources one by one.

View solution in original post


App copies often time out on large apps with large tables. Are you app and tables very large? One time I spent over an hour simply trying to copy an app over and over again until it finally worked. If that doesn't work for you, copy the individual tables first, then make a copy without copying the data, then re-point all of the tables to the new sources one by one.

Thank you for the advice.

1. Instead of manually copy out the mysql table to Google Sheet, is there an easier way to achieve that?

2. How best to repoint the views and slices and actions to the new table?

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