Start : Select *2 in PDF Generation

Bronze 3
Bronze 3
Hi everyone,
I know that this topic has been raised several time including in this thread in 2020 -> Start: Select() in Docs Template.
I am really confused when it comes to combine formulas and particularly Start with Select or Filter. 
I have 2 issues when I want to generate my PDF which is based on an automation and an underlying google doc.
1) I generate a Report thanks to a table X  where I have 3 reference fields from 3 tables : MOA / MOE / Entrepreneur (Table A / Table B /Table C)
In my table X, I have only the field MOA which is the last name in table A. I'd like to get from table A the first name - email & phone number. My formula below does not work 😉
Capture d’écran 2022-11-09 à 16.14.29.png

2) When I generate my report on my table X it relies on a To DO Tab (Table D) 

To Do Table

Capture d’écran 2022-11-09 à 16.13.44.png
Report Table
Capture d’écran 2022-11-09 à 16.13.55.png

Capture d’écran 2022-11-09 à 16.29.48.png

 In my doc template, I have created a start structure using the start expression with the ID (report output display) of every record in the To Do table. 

Capture d’écran 2022-11-09 à 16.14.04.png

I'd like to make 3 board for each "responsable" which means owner, but I can't find the right formula inside the Start. 

I need to select in that start all the ID (report output display) with the underlying owner (responsable). Responsable is the field on the To Do Table.

Which formula should I use ? 

Thanks for your answer

0 1 151

I'm a little bit short on time but I can give you two ideas to think about.

  1. Start: expressions just work with RowIds, not other type of fields, just key columns. That's why I tend to use FILTER() when I want to check rows from a particular table and I use SELECT() basically just on these three use cases: SELECT(Table[ForeignKey], ...)/SELECT([Related...][KeyColumn], ...)/SELECT([Related...][ForeignKey], ..., true).
  2. AppSheet expressions runs on contexts of rows, except when using Schedule events attached to no table at all or in certain places of the app (Display name on Form views for example).
    You need to understand the context or be able to answer the question "In which table row I'm at right now?" to craft your expressions based on that.
    Filter expressions (not the FILTER() one, any expression that has a row filter condition in it) work based on that concept, that's why [_THISROW] exists.
    Start: expressions take this to another level where you have to be conscious of which part of your table is made inside which context

I'm sorry I can't give more help but take a look at this two

Use Start expressions in templates - AppSheet Help
SELECT() - AppSheet Help
FILTER() - AppSheet Help
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