Status Checker

I have a list of requirements for each requests where the status of the request should depend on the list of requirements (each has its own status)

Is there a way to automate the changing of status of the request to CLEARED only when all requirements are also CLEARED?

Both Requests and its requirements are auto set as pending when created. 

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Questions like this should be posted in the AppSheet Q&A board, where they're more likely to be seen by someone who can provide an answer and won't confuse anyone reviewing this Tips & Tricks board for the type of content it's intended for. I suggested to moderators that they move the post.

You probably need to elaborate to receive targeted guidance. Meanwhile, consider one of the following techniques:

Thank you Dbaum, 

I didn't notice that I was on the wrong board. And to elaborate things, here is the screen shot of the fields I want to automate. I want to automate the changing of the parent status to cleared once all child items are also cleared. The parent status is actually a real column if that helps.



IF(IN("Pending", [Related Request Requirements]), "Pending", "Cleared")

Thanks @dbaum and @Tommy62, I managed to create the status checker with the combination of both of your suggestions. Helped me a lot!



IN("PENDING", SELECT(Requirements[Status], [Request ID] = [_THISROW].[ID]))


Now, in the "Status" column of the "Request Requirements" table, set the App formula to the following expression:


IF([All Requirements Cleared], "CLEARED", "PENDING")



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