Sum Select Minor Problem

Good Morning

Really sorry this problem has been covered dozens of times.

I am using this formula

SUM(SELECT(Latestledger[Credit], [Account] = โ€œSubsโ€))

I have setup a virtual column in the table Latestledger  the total I keep getting is 

Subs Sum  The Account data is a dropdown which references another table containing the account names.  Have tried a few things but no joy.  Wondered if it was because it was a reference to a table or well not quite sure.  Thank you for any pointers.
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Do you get any data/rows with just

SELECT(Latestledger[Credit], [Account] = "ID15")


If not, do you actually have rows in Latestledger data source (i.e. gSheet) with Account columns having "ID15" at all?

View solution in original post


I have replaced Account with ID and =15 and seems to be working now.

Thank you.

View solution in original post


For a ref column, you have to equate it with a key value, NOT a label.

Hi TeeSee

How would I do that then.

[Account] = "key value corresponding to Subs"

Have tried this too

SUM(SELECT(Latestledger[Credit], [Account] = ID15))

Do you get any data/rows with just

SELECT(Latestledger[Credit], [Account] = "ID15")


If not, do you actually have rows in Latestledger data source (i.e. gSheet) with Account columns having "ID15" at all?

Hi thanks for reply

No I dont get any data.  I am using the new appsheet database not a gsheet. I have attached an image of my tables if that helps.



I have replaced Account with ID and =15 and seems to be working now.

Thank you.

Do you mean the id for subs etc rather than the actual label subs

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