Sum multiple column and get total in one column

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

I need to add value of the multiple column in single row and get the total sum value in the total column
I need to add the columns, mon, tue, wed , thr, fri and get the total value in total coulmn
Suggest any expression

0 5 1,581

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

I have used this expression to get total

I Need the total value for each row in the new Virtual column
Any suggestion on this .


SUM(LIST([Mon], [Tue], [Wed], [Thu], [Fri], [Sat], [Sun]))

@Steve : After getting the total. If you need to do some other calculations like divide or multiply it by some number. How can it be done ?

* Input will be taken from user. How to configure input field in the same UI
* After taking the input from user, how to divide or multiply with the overall Sum and show the new value.

Hello @kartik_merchant, you're gonna need 3 colums for that:

1- One for asking the user (using an enum for example) if its gonna be a multiplication or a division
2- Another column for saving the value for that operation
3- Another column for actually performing the calculation, you can use an IF() for making the expression in case it is a multiplication or a division.

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