Sync between two different apps using the same google sheet database

Hi everyone!

We are in the context of a bar management system.
I have an app that will be used by waiters to take orders at the tables (sender app), and another different app that will be used at the bar, to receive orders and prepare them (receiver app).
Obviously the two apps are connected to the same Google Sheet database.

I have noticed that, however, if a table update is "launched", for example, by the sender app, it is not immediately "received" by the receiver app, unless manual synchronization occurs on the receiver app.

How can we ensure that the two apps remain synchronized with the least time delay?

Thank you all

2 5 144

Check out the new "quick sync" feature.

Before this feature, the answer to your question was basically that you can't.

Hi Marc!

QuickSync works on different users using the same version of the app.
In my case, I have two different apps working on the same database. When I modify the database with one of the two apps, the other does not see the changes unless I perform a manual synchronization.
Any idea?

Thanks again!

I'm experiencing the same as @Bob83 , but also expected quick sync to work.  Wondering if I'm missing a setting, or this just wont work between two separate apps that share tables.

Any clarification?  Thanks!

Try using the Appsheet API to push the change to the other app.  You can achieve this using a bot on the 'Sender' app that runs when a record is saved or updated.

The bot will use the API to make the 'Receiver' app update the same record and thus be notified of the new data.  You could for instance set a column to the value 'RECEIVED'.

You could work this into the 'Sender' app as well and get the waiter's app to update when drinks are poured or food is ready etc.

Thank you so much.  I knew the API could get me there as I kept seeing it in my searches, but couldn't for the life of me figure out how to push the API from one app to the other.  

The fact that you said "using a bot in the sender app" made me look more closely and then I finally saw it was under "Call a Webhook" in the bots.  ๐Ÿ˜Œ.

Thank you very much!

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