Task List for Multiple Users

I am brainstorming for a way to create a task message that can be pushed to multiple users based on their job category. For example, I want all field service techs to reach out to their key business partners regarding "XYZ" and check a box when completed.

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@mendozacardinal wrote:

For example, I want all field service techs to reach out to their key business partners regarding "XYZ" and check a box when completed.

Presumably, you want the techs checking a box so that OTHERS (e.g. a manager) can see that the tech has taken action.  If that's the case then you have no choice but to "remember" the task, that it was checked as done AND by whom.  That means a table.

So this is how I would handle this...

  • Create two tables - a Tasks table and Task Activity.  Why 2 will become apparent below.  Task table has the general details about the Task.  The Task Activity has columns such as Task Ref, Employee, Date Notified, Completed?, Date Completed.  
  • Create a Form that allows entry of the Task - maybe by a manager.
  • Create a Bot that detects the new Task entry (why there are 2 tables) and automatically inserts rows into the Task Activity table for each tech AND sends a notification to that tech with a link back to the row to mark it completed.
  • Add a view in the app for managers to see which tech have completed.

This is very high-level.  There obviously will need to be several actions added to support this process flow.

I hope this helps!

That is where I was thinking too. Let me see how I can build those tables and the bot plus a dashboard to management to see the completion. Thanks.

Two tables have been created but trying to find the right steps/options to create multiple lines of tasks from the entry.

You will need a set of actions that are initiated by a main action.  Search for "Looping with Actions".  There are a couple of very good write-ups on how to implement this.

The idea is that you loop over your chosen list of people OR a list of related employees.  On each iteration, a row is added for that user and task into the Task Activity table.

Post back here if you still need more help

@WillowMobileSys, still working on this. I have the data from table one coming over, yet, when I attempt to grab the emails of the analysts, I get everyone.  

Select(RAD TEAM[Email],[_THISROW].[RAD Group]=[RAD Group])

I want to only grab the analysts in the RAD TEAM table whos RAD Group equals the RAD Group I want to send the message to. 

Essentially, select RAD TEAM Emails who match the RAD Group the message is intended for. 

Next, I need to find the loop to grab all of those analyst.



@mendozacardinal wrote:

when I attempt to grab the emails of the analysts, I get everyone.  

Select(RAD TEAM[Email],[_THISROW].[RAD Group]=[RAD Group])

This expression looks correct to me.  I guess you would need to show us how/where you are using it.


When you are ready to tackle the looping part, here are a couple fo resources to help you get started

Community Tip on creating action Loops


Video on how to build action looping




So.... the message is entered into TABLE: RAD Key Messages. From there, I want to reference TABLE: RAD Team column Rounding Type equal to RAD Group in TABLE: RAD Key Messages. Taking the Email column of the Rounding Type to populate the all the tasks to individuals in TABLE: RAD Log Key Messages. 


I just saw your other post.  Sorry.  I didn't purposely avoid you.  I have been swamped with work for clients and just haven't been able to get back to you.

What I would do at this point is create an "Add Tasks" action (see image 2) that adds the Task rows (see image 1), one for each person, and then attach that to the Form Save behavior so it is executed when a message is saved.

Then configure a Bot that is triggered on each Task row add, that sends an email to the Team member of that Task row.  You could even include a link their specific Task row so they can go right to it.

Image 1 - Add Task for a Person

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 8.08.01 PM.png

Image 2 - Add Tasks action that is assigned to Form Save behavior

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 8.00.57 PM.png

@WillowMobileSys, appreciate the help on this but it appears this is outside my skillset. 😵 

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