Template - PDF Problem generating Related columns

I created an automation (BOT) to generate a PDF every time I add information.

In the process of creating a new file, in "HTTP Content Type" I put PDF.

And I created a default template

The template is like this:


when i add information in my application the PDF is generated but only the budget information is populated.

the Budgeted Parts tables and Entries_pg are empty.



When I test the BOT, I see that a file is generated with all the information filled in.

Can anyone tell me what's going on?




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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @jjs814 

In my opinion there is simply nothing to display ๐Ÿ™‚

Can you make sure that, for the record you are displaying in the screenshot, the same record in the app actually does have "related parts quoted" and "related entries_pg" ?

I add information in the Related parts Quoted and Related Entries_Pgs column.

and the Exclusive Price, Quantity, Date...etc fields. appear blank.

Only if I click execute the test does the information appear

@jjs814 wrote:

Only if I click execute the test does the information appear

So the info does appear, just not on the auto-generated file? The file is probably being generated before the child records exist.



Do you have any tips on how to generate the file after registering the child column?

Don't trigger the bot until the child records have been added.

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