Terminal ID does not appear after generate the report

I have tried so many times to solve this issue but it still happens (Terminal ID does not appear in the report), can someone help me......Issue : TC fills in the details in Laporan Pungutan Tunai Tol (TC) tab then click the button "Save" to submit (Picture 1). After that, TS verify the details in the Laporan Pungutan Tunai Tol (TS) tab by clicking the button "paper-plane" on the right side (Picture 2). It still can generate but the Terminal ID does not appear in the report (Picture 3).Problem : Terminal ID does not appear in the report after being generated.


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Can you show the details of your report template?

Yup sure, this is my 3 template for 3 different report, 1 report template for LOKE YEW (Picture 2,3,4) & 1 report template for MINES SOUTH (Picture 5,6,7) & the last report template for MINES NORTH (Picture 8,9,10).  As you can see I use the different name for every process (3 different template).

Picture 2Picture 2Picture 3Picture 3Picture 5Picture 59.jpg10.jpg


The problem is with your template file, not with your app configuration. All of your screenshots are of your app configuration. We need to see the report template.

This is the details,

Mines NorthMines NorthLoke YewLoke Yew

Is It hide? If It is, unselect

No it is not hide. What should I do?

Please share your table structure too.

Terminal ID Loke Yew or Mines South/North will show after user click the Plaza Name. ColumnColumn16.jpg17.jpg

According to the column list you provided, ID is not of type Ref:


This isn't the ID column used by your template. Please provide a screenshot of the columns of the table used by your template.

Hi Steve, sorry I attach wrong column for the template.

This is the correct one


The "ID" column have a really bad name (I made that mistake before too)

We need to know where it is to understand if the expression on the "Terminal ID" column is correct

sounds like bug to me. U should contact support.

I had contact with support 4 days ago but there's no response on this..


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