The action is not executed when saving the dependent form or when saving the parent.

Friends, I'm trying to create an action that allows me to save data from a ENTRADAS table to the INGRESO UBICACIONES table that depends on a REGISTRO ENTRADAS form.

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-05 143921.png

 Captura de pantalla 2024-05-05 144244.pngWhen I hit save, in the RELATIONSHIPS list an exclamation mark appears next to the registration number and when I save the main form, the action is not carried out.

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-05 144528.png

 Everything else is executed fine, but the action that is associated with the BEHAVIOR, EVENT ACTION and FORM SAVED is not executed, I must edit the ENTRADA record and save it again for the action to be executed.
What am I doing wrong? Please help, thank you.


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Child rows entered by going through the Parent Form, are not yet valid rows.  They are in a kind of cache so that If you CANCEL the Parent entry, any newly added children are discarded.  So, no Child Form actions will be run in this use case.   This is also why the Child Key column is presenting the Warning is not yet a valid row.

Once you have Saved the Parent all cached children will also be inserted at this time - Parent first and children second. If you need additional activity to happen on the new child rows, there are two options:

1)  Add an action to the Parent Form Saved that cycles through all the children and performs the activity you wanted to do from the Child entry Form.  Best option for immediate updates.
2)  Implement a Bot for Added Child rows to perform the actions.  Can use if don't need the updates seen right away.

NOTE:  That if you add a Child directly, such as from the Parent DETAIL view and tapping "Add" on the child Inline table, entering and saving that new Child entry WILL perform the Form Saved actions attached the Child entry Form. So you may also want to still keep those actions attached to Child Form if you wish to support adding children in this manner.

1) "Add an action to the Parent Form Saved that cycles through all the children and performs the activity you wanted to do from the Child entry Form. Best option for immediate updates".

Please help me implement the action for this objective, thank you.

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