Title Case Function? This there any Title Ca...

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Title Case Function?

This there any Title Case function that can covert the First Letter of each work in a string to upper case, as might be applied in a name like:

john citizen


John Citizen


Ideally it might be part of a set of formatting functions like Microsoft Word offers:



(A Sentance Case and even an Toggle Case might be handy too.)

So far I have only found this Appsheet resource:


Thank you for your clarifications.

0 3 663

Hi @Colin,

As per my understanding, the title case and sentence case functions are currently unavailable.

As an alternative, in case you are looking for converting a string such as two or three word text into title case, irrespective of what case user types in,

you may wish to construct an expression using other

existing AppSheet functions. You can deploy that expression in an event action that converts the two

or three word text into title case on record save command.

Can you build a function that works for text of any length? I canโ€™t think of how to build it.

By the way I can only find UPPER() so it will make it 2x (or more) the computational complexity for any text that is computed.

E.g. getting initial value in Titlecase from email for first name:

  	INDEX(SPLIT(USEREMAIL(), "."), 1), 
    LEN(INDEX(SPLIT(USEREMAIL(), "."), 1))-1

I believe by this you mean a sentence with any number of words to be converted to title case.

I think you are correct. Since there is not yet inherent availability of iteration in an expression in AppSheet, as per my understanding it will not be easily possible in AppSheet.

BTW, your expression to get the name in title case out of an email address is good one.

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