To-do list by distance

Here is my thought,

In my current app I have a couple different things. #1 is PM visits where we go out and service machines at required intervals. #2 is service calls which are as needed. #3 is general cleaning of machines.  Currently I am just verbally telling the techs where to go and then I have the general cleaning of machines on a view that organizes by distance to the next closest one.  I was wondering if I could make a to do list that I could modify as the day goes, as needed. Then the list could link back to the various other views/app tables for the different things.  What I would need is an action to add things to the list and then some way to organize it.


Has anyone ever done anything like this?

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Theres a lot here but here's some suggestions

  1. "verbally telling the techs where to go" Consider allocating them jobs on a particular day and time.  Then give then a view of "My Jobs Today" ordererd by date
  2. "a view that organizes by distance to the next closest one"  This is nearly impossible to do since the number of locations isn't limited.  Your best solution would be to have a virtual column on each location which uses Distance(), Here() and the LatLong of the location to calulate straight line distance for the user.  For actual road distance or time you'd need teh Google Maps API.  A much, much, much simpler solution would just to show them a map view of the locations

That is what I have now for the distance column, the 2 issues I have that I would like to solve is that the service calls come sporadically so there is not a set time for them.  The other issue is my service calls, filter changes, and general cleaning are in different tables.

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