Trigger a Workflow With Incoming Email

Dear community,

I am very new at AppSheet and trying to build my own app for sales tracking.

I have some partners that selling my products on behalf of me but i dont give them access because i have my own sales as well. So they should not reach my data and also license issue. I want to share a page in my app called Products in Stock with my partners whenever they trigger current stock request. Since they are not app user, how can i make a set up that whenever they will send email (message or whatever) appsheet will generate email latest stock information and send to triggering email address.

I hope i could describe it clearly.

Thank you


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I donโ€™t think appsheet is built to trigger a workflow off of an incoming e-mail. If this is the way it must be, then I guess you could use zapier to create a function that adds a new row to a google sheet when it receives an e-mail, and that to trigger a workflow. Thatโ€™s a guess.

I think it would be a better solution if you just created a separate app, that just had a request inventory button in it. When the user touches the button it would add to a counter and trigger a workflow that sends an inventory. Iโ€™d say the biggest advantage to this is that you could have control to who can access the app, vs e-mail, I think that would just send anyone inventory that puts that request in the e-mail.

Maybe someone has a better idea on how to accomplish what youโ€™re doing

Hi @School_Bus and @Steve,

Thank you for idea. If multiple users will use that app, will it create a licence issue for me? Do you know something about this? Thank you once again


Not sure about the license stuff, thatโ€™s appsheet. Itโ€™s a good product, and I control how many users I have so itโ€™s not a big problem for me.

If this is just something to get information from you, you might be able to just make a google form, and have new lines trigger a workflow. Iโ€™m not sure itโ€™s the most elegant idea.

Are you sure appsheet is the right product for you? Hopefully youโ€™re using it for a lot of other stuff, but this specific action doesnโ€™t seem to be a good fit for you especially if you donโ€™t want to pay the $10 a month per user.

I think i will skip this option. I will just create a google site and publish available stock there. Thank you for new ideas. Wish you best weekend and easter!

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Not possible.

Thatโ€™s a good idea.

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