**URGENT** App Outage: Source not Available


Hi, we have been experiencing severe app outages this morning on a number of apps (from 8am UK time). You can see in the link the source is not available, when it is re-added after a number of attempts within minutes it is disconnected again. I have tried contacting support but appears they are not online, is there an alternative method of getting in touch with them or does anyone know a solution for this issue we are having? 

These images show what the source is appearing like in the editor, and the error received when trying to get it added again. 






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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @Sarah_Keown 


If you try with another source such as Google, would that work ? 

The first think that comes to my mind, is that your company may have set some restriction policy on data source.

Could it be possible ?

Hi @Aurelien , I am the Microsoft Admin and no we have no restriction policies in place.  Moving to Google is not an option.


cc @Sarah_Keown 

Support sent this on to the DEV team this morning (UK time) who unfortunately work US time zone.

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @Martina_Hawkins and @Sarah_Keown Did you have any update from the dev team ?

No, @Aurelien, its 11:15am UK time and no updates from anyone yet.



Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

@AndrewB @Steve can you escalate this ?

Sarah, I'm flagging to the team - I'm looking for your ticket, did you reach out to support via the form? https://www.appsheet.com/Support/Contact

Hi, yes I did 

@peterdykstra , this is the downloaded conversation with Sravan



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