[URGENT] - Help with App Sync.

Hi Guys, I need a urgent help, very important.


One of my app recently had a insert field problem, and the user did not notice that, and kept inserting values.

Now he has 35 sync changed to be synced, BUT, when he sync, the insert is throwing an format error like this:

Value 'd1b58816' in field 'KEY' cannot be converted to type 'Number'


I know what this error is about, but i am very worried abouyt the 35 unsynced changes that need to be done, none of these registers are submitted on the app, they are still in the session cookies...

I already checked the logs but the errors trhows when the insert is on an secundary table, and does not show the MAIN FORM infos on log.

IS There a Way I can Access this via Cookies? Log? Something?
I need to restore the infos that the user has inserted!


Solved Solved
0 4 237


Holy Moly man, thank you so much.

Switch to recovery mode solved the issue, the app synced.


Thanks THanks THanks!!!

Remember to go back to normal mode and also you will need to enter the recovery data from JSON to your tables manually.

I switched to recovery mode, the app synced the 35 changes and already added everything to the table.

Just the attatchment field that has an problem getting the file but no problem at all!

Thank you again!

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