Unable to find _THISROW_BEFORE column when using it in To field of Email

Hello there,

I am using Before and After values of Email to check if there is a change in the Email value then Email goes to new Email value.

It was working fine but I was looking at the logs and found that it gave some errors. So I checked the To field. It gave me error saying unable to fine column _THISROW_BEFORE. Still I saved it and then It started giving me same error. 

0 5 213

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Please post a screenshot of the configuration screen where you're trying to use _THISROW_BEFORE.

expression error.png









This is the Screenshot.

What is the expression for? An action? Actions don't have access to _THISROW_BEFORE or _THISROW_AFTER.

It's not an Action. It's an email task. If you see it's a Email to field of Email task.

And it was working fine up until I think April or May.

Ah, Automation. I try to avoid Automation. 

This may be a bug. Best to contact AppSheet Support for help with this.

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