Update row value in a reference table after submit a form

Hi All,

Need help on form submit action.

I have a form with reference data from another table, with dependent dropdown to ensure user select the correct job order number. Now, I need to update a row in the reference table to "Completed" once user submit the form. I tried create an action with Data:set the value of some columns > Set these columns > "Status" = Completed, but doesn't work. am I missing something ? 

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You may want to share more details. But in general it sounds that you are looking for a reference action that updates data in one table when initiated through an event or by user from another table.

Please take a look at the sample app below from the help article Get started by using the sample apps - AppSheet Help

Reference Actions - AppSheet

Please note the following description of the reference actions in the help article


Please post back if you are looking for something else.



Hi Suvrutt_Gurjar, 

Thanks for your reply. Something similar, I had reference action in my form. But now I need to fill an empty column with TEXT instead of number calculation. Here is the scenario, employee need to submit a receipt(image) once they complete a task. Once submitted, an empty column of "Job Status" (reference table) will filled with TEXT "Completed". The purpose of this action is to eliminate those "Completed" Job ID from a dropdown called "Available Job". Hopes this clarify.

Thanks in advance.

Hi ,

The requirement is not exactly clear from your description. But it sounds that it should be possible to achieve with reference actions.

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