Upload video file from iPhone?


I am trying to upload video files from my iPhone file folder, but the appsheet app is not quite letting me select any of the video files. 

The process looks like this:

  • Take video
  • Open photos app
  • Press select button in the top right
  • Select videos to upload
  • Hit the share button
  • Save to files option
  • Open appsheet
  • Edit column that will store the video file
  • Select the row
  • The video is unable to be selected on my IOS device

To see if it is an issue with the file type, I uploaded to google drive and redownloaded the file onto my mac and could easily upload the file from my desktop. Not sure if this is an idiosyncrasy with ios/mobile app or if I am doing something wrong. Is this supported? 

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@andrew_caff wrote:

idiosyncrasy with ios

iOS is that way, they limit as much as they can

It's a shame if it can't be done. It is very annoying that IOS users can't upload video files from their device

Any further progress on this we can’t seem to upload file to Appsheet either from iOS devices 

Never found an answer to this. I went down a pretty wild ride and ended up doing some pretty involved work with Apps Script to handle videos and show them in the application. Would warrant a whole post on its own, to be honest.

Uploading to Google Chat and Google Drive from iOS is no issue. Just AppSheet feature request here to add same functionality for their File Upload Control

@andrew_caff Yes...  I just discovered this as well. You can upload videos to the app in the browser, but not iOS devices 😞


You have to open with cli champ while opened, while its uploading, disable the connection when it will start uploading. Thats how I did it

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