Uploading app to Google Play Console, domains not verified


problem link 2.PNGproblem link.PNG


Hello dear community,

I am currently uploading my branded app from appsheet to Google Play Console. However, Google play Console is telling me the the are some deep links or websites not verified:


I uploaded some screenshots as well.

Does somebody knows how to resolve this issue? I would really appreciate any advise or infomation.

Thank you


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@lizlynch could help

Hi @DonAlonso,

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. 

You can ignore this error, it is just notifying you that your branded app won't open up when a user clicks a link of the form www.appsheet.com/start/<appID>.

We'll make changes to remove this error in the future.

Have the same errors, on my end, it shows the potential for issues as of November 13th in a notification on the Google Play console. However i just noticed yesterday my Branded launch page app no longer opens, just stuck at the "Starting Up" screen. Is affecting many of my users, confirmed that through the appsheet app itself it launches just fine and have tried issuing a new version and the issue persists. Ticket has been submitted hopefully they'll get it figured soon.

Hi @PCV_Tech

The issue you're describing doesn't sound related to the issue originally reported in this post (domains not verified), but if you let me know of your app's name I could look into the support ticket and try to expedite it.

I just received the same error messages upon first submission of my app.  Is this an issue or just a warning?  Will the LINKxxx statement I have work?

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