User Location based on time

Good day,

I am building a timesheet app for HR. So because we have on-site technicians that can't 'Clock In' at the office, I need to get their current location when they clock in and out.

 I created a column for LatLng clock-in and clock-out. I then created a FORMULA of HERE() for both columns. (Note that I created them as virtual columns and went to create them in Sheets too).


When I clock-in, it adds the coordinates but it also processes the clock-out FORMULA and causes what's on the image above.



How do I get it to ONLY register clock-in coordinates when a user starts their shift? and vice versa for clock-out.

I've even tried using INITIAL VALUE with no success. I know it's probably easy but it seems i am missing something in my thinking.

Thank you in advance.

0 7 165

The answers depends on how your in/out functionality is set up. How is it?

You definitely don't want them as virtual columns.

They are not virtual columns, they were standard columns when I originally created them.

I have standard columns LatLng Clock In & LatLng Clock Out with an INITIAL VALUE of HERE() and are of type LatLng

I also have virtual columns IN and OUT which have FORMULA of LatLng Clock In and LatLng Clock Out respectively and are of type Text (also tried making it LatLng).

I tried @koma25's suggestion of having standard columns and then virtual ones. It gave the same answer.

@Marc_Dillon wrote:

The answers depends on how your in/out functionality is set up. How is it?



there should be two columns in the table [IN] [OUT]. INITIAL VALUE Here.

and in the virtual column the formula is [IN]&"-IN" and in the second column the formula  [Out]&"-Out" 

I took the suggestion and applied as advised but still. No change. My setup is explained in Marc's reply above.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Thanks, I have already gone through this and gained an understanding of how it works. However, I am struggling with my specific use case. Still no resolution even now, so I'm guessing my logic is wrong somewhere. I'm a noob in AppSheet so perhaps that's why.

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