Useremail - restrict action on app

I have made an app for my internal team for reimbursements.

It has 3 tables: employee details, reimbursement details & type of reimbursement.

I basically want the add action to be available to add reimbursment details, only if the useremail matches with the email of the employee.

I am using the below formula on the action: [Floapper ID].[E-mail ID]=USEREMAIL()

When I am checking in the test environment it is showing right results. But the add button is still not visible.

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If you want to be in the safe side, it's better to do it with the table's permission, not with action's definition.

At table level also the formula to be used will be same as above?

You can use something like IN(USEREMAIL(),Employee details[Email]) Though it depends what your goal is.

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