Valid if dropdown not working


I'm an appsheet newbie.  I've spent two days trying to get a Valid_If dropdown to appear, but my view is just blank.

I have a table Role.  It has a list of (business) roles in a column titled Role.  The type is Text.

I have a filter table Filter.  It has a column Role.  The type is EnumList with a base type of Text.  Allow other values is checked.  

I created a view based on Filter with the column Role set for quick edit and in the column order section.

I then add that view to my dashboard.  However, when I save and reload the app, the page says "No Items".  Doesn't show the selection box at all.

Hopefully this is enough info to explain my problem.



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As you are using the detail view, it can't show anything if you don't have at least one record. The detail view is tied to a record. That's a normal behavior.

View solution in original post


Would you please take a printscreen, thanks.

Hi Aleksi

 Here is what my filter view shows in the dashboard.  Do you need screenshots of everything?

Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 2.59.48 PM.png

It sounds you are trying to use a detail view with the quick editable Enumlist column. Is my assumption correct?

Yep - Is that wrong?

Nothing wrong with it. When opening the detail view separately, does it show the dropdown column then?

It does not - however, I may have stumbled upon the answer.  When I created the filter table, it had no data in it whatsoever.  I put some dummy data in, and now I can see the boxes!  I don't know if that's how it is supposed to work, but now it works.  But now I have one further issue:  I actually have TWO of these filters in my dashboard (multiple conditions).  When I click out of one list, it restarts the app with a sync.  Is that normal behavior?

As you are using the detail view, it can't show anything if you don't have at least one record. The detail view is tied to a record. That's a normal behavior.

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