View column

I have created two slice views. But I am having trouble at one place. Search bar not showing in slice view. And the multiple select row is not happening. 







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We will need more information.  Can you show the full app screen to give us some context of what we are looking at.  

Also, I assume that Shelf Code is the field you are expecting a dropdown?  Can you show us the column definition and the view definition.

Hi @WillowMobileSys sir,

I want like this. Its Possible?


Slice table.png



I understand what you want. whether you can achieve it or not is determined by how  the original views are defined and how they are being used.

That is why I asked for full screenshots of those views.

Can you get the search bar?  You cannot specify it individually for any table view.  It is shown automatically for all table views EXCEPT :

a)  if that Table view is part of a Dashboard view - then it's one search bar for all included views

b)  if it is an Inline table.  These are shown in Detail and Form views.  There is no search bar shown in these instances.

How to get the dropdown for Shelf Code?  In the view shown, it seems that Shelf Code is not defined as EnumList.  Check the column definition.



Tell me some easy way which can make my work easier. I have to update shelf column. Tell me something that I can select and update the shelf column. 

You haven't really given much in details in what you need.  Based on what you have posted, I am understanding that you are expecting for Shelf Column to have a dropdown with the ability to select multiple columns.

Maybe you need to know how to define it as an EnumList?

To do that, you will need to edit the column and set its Type to "EnumList" and then set the list of Values that can be chosen from the dropdown list.  See the image below.


Screen Shot 2022-03-28 at 1.01.36 PM.png


Does this help?

This is not helpful. 

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