What are the advantages of using an SQL database?

As in the topic, what are the advantages of using a SQL database?

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  1. Faster sync speeds
  2. Security Filters are more effective at improving performance

3- Sustaining an ungodly amount of rows.
4- Filter rows before sending them to your app by using sql views (or so i have read, never used sql)

Based on my past experiences with SQL, SQL view is not really improving performance, as it could be equivalent with AppSheet security filter, for your guidance.

We had an app with Smartsheet data at the backend. We were hitting limits on cross sheet links and also performance. Converting it to SQL (Azure SQL database STD tier - approx $20 per month), gave a sevenfold increase in sync and update performance

SQL is massively faster at this if your data is properly indexed, especially if your app is concurrent and you canโ€™t use appsheet caching features

  1. You can burn money faster using AppSheet.
    Nah, just kidding. But Iโ€™ld love to have SQL support under Core subscription!

SQL is available just for Enterprise accounts

  1. Ability to add columns to the backend, at any time, without causing all of your usersโ€™ apps to completely error-out.
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