What is this error about? My app was working...

What is this error about?

My app was working great. however, today morning, this error appears

โ€œThere are multiple root elements. Line 1, Position 28โ€

It doesnโ€™t refer any table or column.

Please help me out in this regard.

0 22 893

Do you get any more details if you click on more info?

That looks like a corrupt spreadsheet file error. If you give us the name of the app (with the user id suffix), we can try to see if the problem reproduces.

Assuming you are using a Google Sheet, open it directly, use the menu to export it into Excel (xlsx) format and see if it does that correctly. I suspect this may be a bug in the way Google Sheets does that export. We utilize that mechanism to extract the column structure, etc.

We have seen a few such errors in the last couple of days โ€” I think Google may have done a software release. Each time that happens, a few edge-case bugs are detected.

Itโ€™s not bugs in your data. I had a response earlier in this thread where I requested that you try to export your Google sheet into Excel format to see if that exports correctly.

In your appโ€™s security -> security filters tab, change all the tables to be accessed โ€˜As App Creatorโ€™. That will let me check it. I still cannot directly open your spreadsheet, so it will just help me confirm that the problem is in your Google sheet.

@praveen Yes. I exported the data into excel format and went successfully. Besides, I changed all tables as โ€œAs App Creatorโ€.

ok, it looks like the problem is with the email template document used as the attachment template in one of your workflow rules. It only shows when you โ€œSave & Verify Dataโ€ โ€” this is a clue that the problem is not in the spreadsheet but in one of the auxillary inputs. The error message is misleading and we will put in a better message to help with this in the future. In your case, the error message should be: Workflow rule โ€˜Detailed Balance Sheetโ€™ field โ€˜Attachmentโ€™ template could not be loaded due to exception: There are multiple root elements. Line 1, position 28.

โ€œMultiple root elementsโ€ is still an arcane error message. It means there is something wrong with that attachment template. Perhaps it isnโ€™t a valid Google Doc?

Actually, here are all the errors: Workflow rule โ€˜Detailed Balance Sheetโ€™ field โ€˜Attachmentโ€™ template could not be loaded due to exception: There are multiple root elements. Line 1, position 28.MORE INFO Workflow rule โ€˜Detailed Balance Sheetโ€™ field โ€˜Bodyโ€™ template could not be loaded due to exception: There are multiple root elements. Line 1, position 27.MORE INFO Workflow rule โ€˜Ledgerโ€™ field โ€˜Attachmentโ€™ template could not be loaded due to exception: There are multiple root elements. Line 1, position 27.MORE INFO Workflow rule โ€˜Ledgerโ€™ field โ€˜Bodyโ€™ template could not be loaded due to exception: There are multiple root elements. Line 1, position 27.MORE INFO Workflow rule โ€˜Income & Expenses Accountโ€™ field โ€˜Bodyโ€™ template could not be loaded due to exception: There are multiple root elements. Line 1, position 29.MORE INFO

@praveen Thanks lot Mr. Praveen. What I understand is that my Google Doc template having some errors. Let me work on it. Thanks once again.


The problem that Oscar reported was the result of a change that I made recently to fix a problem reported by another user. When I attempted to fix that userโ€™s problem, I introduced the problem Oscar reported.

I have attempted to fix the problem Oscar reported. If testing goes well, that change will be released on Wednesday afternoon Jan 16, 2019.


I think it is very likely that you are seeing the same problem that Oscar reported. I attempted to test your app but I was not successful in reproducing the problem using your app. As a result,

I am not certain if my fix will resolve the problem that you reported.

If you can get your application into the state where the problem occurs, I am happy to test it for you. Please let me know the app name and the workflow rule name that is having the problem. Alternatively, you can wait until my change is deployed on Wednesday afternoon and see if that change resolves the problem.

@Philip_Garrett_Appsh @praveen @Oscar_Vila As advised by Mr. Praveen, i removed all my workflow and its templates, then i dont find that error. Now i am creating workflows one by one. Fortunately i havenโ€™t come across that error state yet.

But i doubt is that since we have 10+ applications and all apps are having numerous workflows, I got this error in this app only. Still i need to add few more workflow templates, let me check.


I strongly suspect that all of your workflow rules and templates were correct and remain correct. The bug I introduced was reporting a spurious error.

@praveen My App detail AccountPlus-562817-542402

  • Kindly check and let me know pleaseโ€ฆ Sample mobile apps for common scenarios appsheet.com

Philip Garrett, Thanks for having identified and fixed the issue so quickly.

FYI, my reports are back again as usual Great job!


Thanks for letting me know your reports are working again. Sorry for the disruption.

Because the app is using โ€œRun as App Userโ€ in the security filters section, I cannot read the data. Are you sure you want to enable that option? It is very rarely used

@praveen Yes pleaseโ€ฆ

Well, the problem in that case is that I am denied access before I can hit the problem you are seeing. Please see my earlier response about exporting the sheet to Excel format and testing to see if there are errors. That is likely to be the root of the problem. It is past midnight here, so Iโ€™m off to bed. Will check this thread in the morning.

My apologies Mr. Praveen. Thanks for your prompt response.

@praveen Can you find the problem in my app please?

Did you check if it is a Google spreadsheet bug, as I suggested?

Because of your security settings, I am unable to open and check your app

@praveen Sorry. I dont find any bugs in my dataโ€ฆplease guide me to change my security settings so that you can check my app.

Hi Praveen Seshadri

You are doing an excellent with Appsheet!

Following the โ€œmultiple root elementsโ€ error reported by John Henry Joseph a few days ago, I can confirm that some portion of my workflow reports (i.e.: โ€œExpensesReport_Submitedโ€) have stopped working too.

It happened less than a week ago on several of my test apps such as the โ€œService-91404โ€.

Is there any work around on recommendation on what is wrong and how to fix it on our side?

This is the error message I can recover at the โ€œAudit history recordsโ€ after the issue arises and tries to fill the fields on my template doc within google drive:

Error: Workflow rule โ€˜ExpensesReport_Submitedโ€™ field โ€˜Bodyโ€™ template could not be loaded due to exception:

There are multiple root elements.

Line 1, position 33."

FYI, Iโ€™ve followed your recommendations in regard to โ€œSecurity Filterโ€ for all tables set โ€œas app creatorโ€.

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