Where is google-map view in UX


I have maop views in my app where I can overlay a secondary data set but where us the “google-map” view to edit/format it or is this not possible.



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There is only the one map view which is based on/uses Google-Maps. You can include a Primary set of pins from your data by Address or location. You can also optionally include a Secondary set of pins from your data.

Beyond this, what kind of editing/formatting were you hoping to be able to do?

Hi John,

I have map views already set up with formatting but the view that the user goes to after hitting the map pin next to the postcode when they are in a detail view of a row/outlet takes them to the basic google view.

If I add a deep link to one of my views then we just go to that map rather than to the location of the postcode on the map with a red pin.

I hope this makes sense thanks


What does “basic google view” mean? What does it look like?

By the way, that is just a system Inline action which you can modify if you need to or replace with one of your own.

Hi John,

I have attached a screen shot where the “View: google-maps” comes up. This is the function where the location of the postcode in the row is shown on a map. If I add a map view created by me and an action to take the user there it will just take them to the map, not to the location of the postcode in the current row on the map.

Ok, so I understand that the default behavior - a zoomed view of the postcode with a Deck view - is not what you want to have happened.

If you create your own map view as you describe, it takes the user to a map but not the postcode and this also is not what you want (is this a blank map, i.e. no pins are shown?)

What I don’t know is what you DO want to have happen. Can you explain what you are trying to do?

Hi John,

I want the zoomed in view of the postcode but on a map view that I can configure (ie one of mine), for instance with a secondary layer of data.



Ok I think it finally sunk in. I kind of alluded to this above…

You can create your OWN Inline action and have it navigate to a Map view of your choice.

Basically, copy the system map inline action and change the navigation target for your view. Then set the system action to “do not display”.

The System generated Inline Action will have a target like so:

CONCATENATE("#page=map&table=Vendors&mapcolumn=Address&row=", ENCODEURL([_THISROW]))

In YOUR copy make it something like this:


I tested this and it works well. Let me know if you have more questions on how to do this.

Thanks John,

That worked. This is the expression.

CONCATENATE("#view=Freehouse%20Map&row=", ENCODEURL([_THISROW]))

I have a slice of a table that I have used to create the “Freehouse Map”. This is the expression below for the secondary data map overlay. I would like to add the pin for the current selected row to this seconday data table/slice. That way the pin won’t disappear when scrolling around the map as so few pins in that table are shown.

Do you know how to add the current row selected to the expression below which is is a yes/no result?

AND(OR([Order Status]=“Exported To Xero”,[Order Status]=“Open (Unarchived)”,[Order Status]=“Open”),[Delivery Date]>(TODAY()-1))

I have tried something like this but it hasn’t worked.

AND(OR([Order Status]=“Exported To Xero”,[Order Status]=“Open (Unarchived)”,[Order Status]=“Open”),[Delivery Date]>(TODAY()-1),[Order Id]=([_THISROW]))



Are you aware that there is a Map Pin Limit setting? You can increase that value to make all your pins display.

What happens as you scroll with a low Pin Limit setting is that the Map evaluates which Pins are closest to the center and adds them to be shown until the Limit is reached. So some pins seem to vanish while others appear. Scrolling back will have the original Pins re-appear again.

HI John,

Yes although I have 38K pins in my data so there would be too many shown on the map without slowing it down. If I can get the searched for pin to appear in a secondary data table that only has a few with the limit set high then it won’t move while the main data table grouping does around it.

The first screen shot shows the searched for pin and the cluster around it. The coloured pins further out show outlets with open orders and places we are going this week and next - these are in the secondary data table and don’t disappear as there are so few… The user wants to scroll around and look for other outlets near by. If they go too far the searched for pin disappears. If I increase the number of outlets shown it will show too many as there is so much data. This is why i want to add the searched for pin to the second table.



I do understand what you want to do but can’t currently think of a way to do it. I would create a new post for this specific issue.

An observation though. I think I would consider your problem a bug. Since the Map View should technically be based on that SELECTED Pin, it seems it should ALWAYS remain visible no matter where you scroll to.

Hi John,

Yes it seems right that the pin should stay where it is. I will start another thread. Thank you.

I’m wondering of an action can be set so that the searched for outlet/row is sent to another table and the secondary slice includes that row/postcode as well as the other pins showing open orders. I would have to set soem way of deleting it or the slice only every using the last row in the sheet.


Hmm, now that you mention it, maybe your Inline Action could be a Grouped Action?

One or more Actions to set the data.

The last Action is the one that currently happens to navigate to your Map View.

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