Where is setted the invalid value error?

Hello everyone,
on a field I have inserted a "Valid If" control. When the value is not valid, is shown an "Invalid value error".
I would like to know if I can copy the value of "invalid value error" in another field: so, I need to know the name of the Virtual Column (if I understand the logic) in which is setted the invalid value error (the highlighted value in the image below).


Or, alternatively, I would like to know which is the control setted on the "save" button that doesn't allow to save if there is an error.

I hope I was clear,

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There isn't anything provided in AppSheet to report what entered field values resulted in an error. 

And isn't there a way to see how a Form View's Save button is configured?

hi @loresani , so as an example to get what you want.

You need to set a virtual column "error message" with your invalid erro valu "e stato gia...." so you just call in the formula this column ? like this: ???


Hello Luis,

no. I want to know where is stored in AppSheet the Invalid value error. In this way I can do a condition like "if the column in which is setted the "Invalid value error" is valorized, disable a button".

Oh no, its not "stored" because its setted in the options of the column by you.


Can't create a condition based on it because the error trigger only works in a 'Form view' and the action buttons dosent work in it.

the only "condition" is the blocked save button by the sytem until theres no error.

The intent of the Form validation is to prevent errors and subsequently bad data from ever getting into the app.  If you have validation applied and an error occurs, that row of information cannot be saved.  The user must fix the bad data and then save.

So, with that understanding, would you still want to disable a button after the row is saved?  And if so, could you give an example?  It might help us figure out a workaround for you.

Hi Willow,

I would like to do the same control that is setted on the "save" button: if there is an error, you can't save.

I would like to implement the same control in another button: if there is an error, disable the button.

Each action (buttons are just actions) has the "Only if this condition is true" property (see below) you can set to enable or disable the button.  

This property uses expressions to determine the desired states of data within your app.  It would not have access to user activity on a Form or anywhere else - such as an attempt to enter an invalid value.   You will only be able to look at entered data and then inspect it for your desired conditions.

If you can provide an example of when you would disable a button, we could then provide an example of how you would implement that.

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