Where is the "connection" between a record view and a 1:n table

I have a  "People" table (with the usual: name, dob, photo). I also have a Roles table with just the name of the role. Finally, I have a PeopleRoles table that has just two fields: external reference to People and external reference to Roles.

I can see that AppSheet has created automagically the "PeopleRoles_Inline" view (thank you!) and I can see that when I view a  People record (People_Detail view), it automatically pulls the right record for that person. I can also see that when I click on "PeopleRoles_Inline", and click on "Show in preview", there is no filtering happening (obviously: it doesn't know which record it should show).


QUESTIONS: (1) Where, in the People_Detail view, does it say that it should also show the PeopleRoles_Inline view, as a nested one? (2) What instructs PeopleRoles_Inline to filter for that particular person?


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The view that is used for inline is chosen by the system based on a couple parameters. It will only choose a view that is in "Ref" position. Any user-created collection view (table,deck,card,chart) will take priority over the system-generated "...Inline" view, and be shown inline instead, as long as it is still in Ref position. If there are multiple user-created views in Ref position, there is a priority ordering based on the type of view, but I don't exactly remember it right now, I think chart or card is top priority, with table being lowest.

View solution in original post


(3) What if I DON'T want to show the PeopleRoles_inline table there...?

When you set up a Ref type column, Appsheet automatically creates a virtual column in the referenced tabled named "Related..." with a REF_ROWS expression.

If you don't want the inline table to show, just hide that column.

AH! Thank you! So there it is ๐Ÿ˜„

I have this in my People table:

REF_ROWS("PeopleRoles", "Person")

That's the first piece of the puzzle I was missing.

The SECOND piece: what tells AppSheet to use PeopleRoles_Inline to render that particular table...?


I am looking really hard... Is there a spot in the People view that says to use PeopleRoles_Inline to display PeopleRoles?

The "Related..." column is displaying as the inline table. To not see it, you don't show that column in the view, the same as hiding/showing any other column.


I can see that. My question for about the system using PeopleRoles,_Inline as the view, rather than PeopleRoles_Whatever -- how does it know to apply THAT view to visualise that data?


Thank you!



The view that is used for inline is chosen by the system based on a couple parameters. It will only choose a view that is in "Ref" position. Any user-created collection view (table,deck,card,chart) will take priority over the system-generated "...Inline" view, and be shown inline instead, as long as it is still in Ref position. If there are multiple user-created views in Ref position, there is a priority ordering based on the type of view, but I don't exactly remember it right now, I think chart or card is top priority, with table being lowest.

I am aiming at having total knowledge of AppSheet. May I ask you... where did you find this part out? I looked and looked, thinking "It MUST be set somewhere"! But, as it turned out, it wasn't.

I personally think that is a TOUCH too much magic. I mean, OK to have a "system will pick a default", but surely we should be given the opportunity to chose which Ref view should be used...? I guess I am overreaching into the "Feature request" land. I personally think AppSheet is very close to perfection, in terms of no-code development. Seriously! This is the first time I go "Meh, I wouldn't have done it this way". This thing is IMPRESSIVE! ๐Ÿ˜„

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