Who is author of the record in google sheets?

Ahoj všichni.
Vytvořil jsem aplikaci pro ovládání zařízení, která používá velké množství uživatelů. Data jsou uložena na sdíleném disku v samostatných tabulkách podle uživatelské sekce. U všech pořízených záznamů a pořízených obrázků jsem ve vlastnostech souboru uveden jako autor a nikoli příslušný uživatel. Je to normální chování, nebo jsem něco nastavil špatně?
Je mi líto, že používám Google Translator.

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It's just like you wrote. When selecting "app user", the user must be allowed access to the data table and the changes made are then registered under the user's name.
For all photos I am listed as the author. This bothers when using google drive - recent items. You can see everything taken by users in the field as their own recent items.

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An app accesses a table's data source in the name of either the app creator or the app user depending on how you configure the table's Access mode property. It's most common and most robust to use the default setting of app creator. If you instead use app user, you need to ensure that every app user has access to the data source, which, in the case of Google Drive, is indeed possible to do automatically using Apps Script. If you need to track which users act on data, including uploading files, use table columns to capture that information.

Thank you. I have the changes made by the user in the table column. I didn't know how to use the access mode setting. I will test it. Do you think it will also change the author of the saved photos on google drive?

@Jan_Lipert wrote:

Do you think it will also change the author of the saved photos on google drive?

I've never used the "app user" access mode. It should be straightforward for you to test. Report back to the community what you learn.

It's just like you wrote. When selecting "app user", the user must be allowed access to the data table and the changes made are then registered under the user's name.
For all photos I am listed as the author. This bothers when using google drive - recent items. You can see everything taken by users in the field as their own recent items.

I don't follow. For a table set to "app user", photos and files uploaded via the app are saved to Drive in the name of the user or the app owner?

Photos are saved with the application owner's name.

Good to know. Consider marking the info you figured out as the solution so that others searching for this question can see it has been answered.

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