Workflow Template Not Constraining To Table

I have a workflow template with a one-column table for displaying full-page images. I have the table boundaries set to the size of the page with the image formatted to display in the middle of the page, however, the resulting PDF has multiple images on the same page aligned to the top. It seems like it’s putting all of the images in the same cell instead of making a new row for each image, despite each image being on a different row in the underlying appsheet table. Does anyone know how to get this to work properly?

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It is because your START and END are within the same cell. So your template is not telling AppSheet to make a new cell.

Gotcha, yep you are correct. Thanks so much!

Actually, that didn’t solve the whole problem. The image is still not being constrained to within the cell, it’s bleeding off to the right, even with the image format set to small.

That I can’t help with any further. I have had terrible luck trying to work with images of any kind in templates for PDF conversion. I’ve only been had relative good luck with JSON templates leading to a webhook.

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