Workflow if related

Hello to all
someone can help me with this expression in a workflow.
<<Start: ([Related Servizis]>>
I’m trying not to see the fields that aren’t being used.
the expression does not work exists another way example if-end if
but I didn’t understand how to do it.

0 7 277

Your expression posted does not include a valid <<END>> statement. Maybe its just a paste error? Could that be it?

You can use the Log feature to see what error is being reported by the template. I think you know, but you can find it as a button at the top of your Workflow definition.

sorry it is a copy and paste error.
does not give me an error but does not send the email.
What can I see from the log?

The Log will tell you if the Workflow ran and if it was successful. If you see Red, its something you need to look into.

Below is an example Workflow in my Log file. The line at the bottom labeled “Change Workflow Rule” shows the name of the Workflow - “Send Invoice” - and over to the right “Condition: true” means it successfully ran.

To contrast, at the top you see the “Change Workflow Rule” with "Condition: false. This means the row did not meet the criteria to activate that Workflow.

Above that last line are two rows labeled “Workflow Action”. There are the steps of my Workflow and again over the right is the indication if each step was succeeded or failed.

Look in your Log file for your Workflow Rule and see what it is reporting about the execution of that Workflow.

Ok, so the <<END>> statement is not being found. Where you place it does make a difference.

Can you provide an image from your template of where you are using your <<Start>>/<<End>> block? be sure to include both the Start and End.

is that enough?

Yes. I would try taking out the blank line just before the <<END>>. I am not sure why that would make a difference. It just depends on how the parser was implemented.

EDIT: I just noticed that the Start is incorrect. I do not believe you need the SELECT at all so take out “SELECT (”.

EDIT 2: Previously you didn’t have SELECT but you did have a “(”. That was probably the real issue. I just didn’t notice it.

So that’s how I tried it, and it all works.
When I add “IF” it doesn’t work anymore.

<<Start:[Related SERVIZIs]>>
When I add “IF” it doesn’t work anymore.

<<Start:[Related SERVIZIs]>>

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