Workflow not invoking

I am using an “all changes” workflow, the table changes are made by calculation to changes in other table, but changes don’t invoke the workflow, only if I make changes directly to that table, but not to those who make changes to it. any idea how to fix it?

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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Have you read this?


I think what Steve was trying to get as is that the behavior you describe:

Is standard behavior.

If you need to trigger something on another table, you’ll have to create a way for Table A to know that it needs to update from Table B’s changes.

You might check out the new automation panel - it’s exactly for this sort of stuff.

I understand that, and that is how I made it work. changes in table B create a change through the app in table A. nonetheless the workflow is not invoked, as though it does’t count automatic changes as change.

Changes by one workflow will not trigger another workflow.

so is there any way for changes in table A to trigger a workflow that will case an action (webhook) in table B?

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