any suggestions to automate a PDF?

I have two tables, one main and one secondary, which adds products to the main one, to then generate a pdf.
sometimes there can be up to 60 products, and I have to wait for the 60 to update and then execute an action that creates the document for me, which can take a long time for the pdf.
Is there a way to generate this document without waiting for the update?
I need an action to generate the document because if I do it automatically, it doesn't show me the records of my secondary table.

Beforehand thank you very much.

0 3 85

I'm sorry but I have no idea what the problem is.

We have no clue of what kind of action are executing on each children and why it takes so long.

More info about your real data would be helpful.

Also, about the last part where you said that you don't see the records of a child table on your document, do you know about Start: expressions?

Template Start Expressions | AppSheet Help Center

Sorry if I didn't understand, bad translation

Generally, when a bot is created that generates a pdf once a form has been saved, there is an error because it is created without having loaded the records of the secondary table.
Therefore, I created an action that triggers this bot, only when it is clicked, thus I solve the problem that it does not load the secondary records in the pdf.
But this way, you have to wait until all the child records are loaded before creating the pdf, I don't know if there ยฟ is a way to generate a pdf with the child records, immediately, before they are uploaded to the server?.

Not possible. The PDF is created by the server.

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