color in form

Is there a possibility that some of the questions in the form will be in one color and some in a different color?? (not in the table)

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AFAIK, it's not possible to vary the color of column names (as opposed to column values). An alternate technique when you want to visual distinguish a column in a form is to precede and/or follow it with a show type column, whose value you can style using a format rule.

Is there a possibility that a row will be selected and it will be colored in a different color?
Maybe by creating a bot??


  • Add a yes/no column to represent whether the row is selected.
  • Create a format rule to change the text color of the columns included in a table view.
  • Create an action to toggle the column's value. If desired, include simultaneously toggle to false the same column for all other rows.
  • Associate that action to one of the view's events.

I added a formatting rule to change the color of the text in the table.
Is it possible to change the background color of the row in the table??

No. Other options for visually distinguishing a row include conditionally hiding/displaying an image column or using a format rule to add an icon or text formatting.

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