count the number of days without Friday and Saturday

Hello guys,

I have a date column

I want to count the number of days without Friday and Saturday

from the [date] to TODAY()



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Normally you'd just use WORKDAY().  But since you want to exclude friday and also not sunday I think you're going to have to create an IFS() formula where each line does the following:

  • If today is Monday
  • Calculate the number of whole weeks between [date] and TODAY().  Multiply this by 5
  • Assuming the duration is >= 4 days add 4 to account for Mon-Thurs
  • Finally add on the number if Mon-Thurs days that are after whole weeks

There is no easy, simple formula for this one


thanks Simon

Can you write the formula

[DateColumn] >= "your_specific_date",
[DateColumn] <= TODAY(),
WEEKDAY([DateColumn]) <> 6, 
WEEKDAY([DateColumn]) <> 7  Fridays

Replace "TableName" with the actual name of your table, and "DateColumn" with the name of the column that contains the dates you want to consider. Make sure to replace "your_specific_date" with the date from which you want to start counting.

That (sortof) works to count rows.  But he's asking for a formula that counts days from a single fixed date to Today().

@salehaljoei wrote:

Can you write the formula

Yes @salehaljoei , but there are so many items that it needs to account for it would take me about an hour or more.  E.g.

  • [Date] > TODAY()
  • [Date] = TODAY()
  • Duration is 1 day and its a Fri or Sat
  • Duration is 1 day and its not a Fri or Sat
  • Duration is > 1 day but less than a week and includes Fri and/or Sat
  • Duration is > 1 day but less than a week and doesn't include Fri and/or Sat
  • Duration is > 1 week and starts on Fri or Sat
  • Duration is > 1 week and end on Fri or Sat
  • Duration is > 1 week and doesn't start or end on Fri or Sat

These are just some that spring to mind...



thanks Simon

thanks  Sirfyaad



@salehaljoei Try This,

      WEEKDAY([DateColumn]) <> 6,
      WEEKDAY([DateColumn]) <> 7

This expression filters the dates in the specified column by excluding those with a weekday value of 6 (Friday) or 7 (Saturday). It then counts the remaining dates.

not working

"Function 'FILTER' should have exactly two parameters, a table name and a filter condition"

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