csv export

New Member

Hi everyone,
is it possible to submit a csv-file containing data from a slice (i.e. filtered data) via e-mail by tapping a button? It seems that a csv-file of filtered data can only be downloaded which doesn't fulfill my task because i need this function on a mobile device.
Am I right or is there any way to send the required data via mail?
Thank you in advance and best regards,

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Did you get the necessary answers you needed for these questions?

New Member

Unfortunately not, I'm still looking for a solution.

To be more precise, the Appsheet CSV export button will only show in a desktop browser.  See image for spec from AppSheet article.

On mobile devices, there is no standard file system to download a file into (yes some do have - recently - but not all do - i.e. its not yet standard).

So, as @dbaum has pointed out there are alternative solutions.  The links he is providing will show you how to create the CSV file in automation and then you can attach that file to an email to send to one or email recipients.

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