dashboard view cannot use interactive mode but need similar functionality


i need a dashboard view , with two views , if user clicks on row/card in one view in the dashboard  , i need the corresponding details view open up but the data is  from different table  (and since the key  cannot be used for reference which is a need for interactive mode to work ) .   i cannot use the interactive mode in my case. 

 how to maintain the dashboard view with interaction between views on the user selection. while still being on the dashboard view.

i tried to use linktorow in actions and use the actions in the onclick in the user view where he would click , but its refreshing the who dashboard and sending me to the view specific . i need the interaction to be seemless. maintaining the dashboard view.

any information is helpful and appreciated.

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Thank you after some trial and error found an alternate way to achieve similar , yet close functionality . i used linktofilteredview() to rescue . and using a table view and an action  to achieve the required. 

even though it refreshes to the individual view but was able to mimic the view .. hope that solves for now. thanks for your response. i did had to link the tables with my common column that i had earlier . @Suvrutt_Gurjar 


View solution in original post


@sandeepraon wrote:

i need the corresponding details view open up

May we know how do you identify the "corresponding" details view. Meaning what is the common element between the two tables.


i have a common value but in my case is not the key value for one of the table from where i m picking it up to refer.

Thank you. I believe in general you will need a reference between the tables.

May we know if the tables involved are very large in terms of number of rows? If not there could be an "sync time expensive and inefficient" way to achieve the needful, in the absence  of reference.  If possible, you may want to create a reference between the two tables.

Thank you after some trial and error found an alternate way to achieve similar , yet close functionality . i used linktofilteredview() to rescue . and using a table view and an action  to achieve the required. 

even though it refreshes to the individual view but was able to mimic the view .. hope that solves for now. thanks for your response. i did had to link the tables with my common column that i had earlier . @Suvrutt_Gurjar 


Great. Thank you for the update.

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