data from form is not updating spreadsheet rows

I have a table of contacts (name, email, etc.) that a user can enter.  I created a menu view to access this table.  So when I click on "my contacts" from the menu it pulls initially an empty page with the system generated "+" (add) symbol overlayed. (see below).  That's fine.



I click on the "+" symbol and a system generated form pops up and I can enter the values.  Good so far. 

When I go to the contacts table and click "view data", I see the data I just entered into the form.  All good.

HOWEVER, when I try to "view source" look at the spreadsheet, no data is writing back to the spreadsheet.  Even after syncing and saving.  I can see the data in a "view data" but not "view source".  

Any thoughts?

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Platinum 4

Please post a screenshot of the entire configuration screen for the table.

Just using default settings



Should be as app creator:



Thanks Steve.  Actually, I tried that and it didn't help, but the toggling the "Shared" button appears to write it to the spreadsheet.  When private tables are used, it seems you can't see whether the data is writing to the table?  Not sure where to even find them to look actually.

Yikes, I'm sorry I overlooked that! Definitely use shared tables, not private tables. Private tables use an entirely different file.

Thanks Steve.  I have an app where I'm trying to embed some key features that, I think, based on the article I read probably should be in private tables eventually - but it seems difficult to troubleshoot things when you can't see the tables :).  Some features I'm trying to incorporate include:

- Ability to group message or create different groups from contacts to share messaging (like group texting but within the app itself)

- User specific favorites

- User specific content additions


Best not to use private tables; use security filters instead.

good to know!  Seems a bit easier too? 🙂  Thanks again Steve.  Great community here.  Appreciate the patience with Newbies!

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