data retrieval problem

Use the Lookup formula to extract the data, it won't be retrieved.

The coil stock table is the main table.
Coil table is a secondary table to link to coil stock table.

And in the coil stock table, there is the information we want to retrieve in the coil table.

For example, the coil stock table will have the following information:
[date] [process] [model_coil]

The coil table has the following information, for example:
[Date] [MD. Coil]

That is, we want to retrieve data from coil stock table to coil table, we use this formula. But it doesn't show any information.

LOOKUP([_THISROW].[MD.Coil], "Stcok Coil", "MODEL_Coil", "MODEL_Coil")

We use this formula No data, use formulas that don't have this row will not pop up the retrieved data.




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I think your are trying to get value in column [MD.Coli] by supplying value of [MD.Coli]  which is a kind of circular reference.

Since the two tables are referenced to each other you could get the value by the dereference expression such as 

[ID_Coil]. [MODEL_Coil]

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