encode form answer in url

hey guys,

I have a form in app sheet, and i want to encode the answer for one of the questions.

This is the link to the app:


the field name is: "Depot new"

I want to generate url link with this field prefilled with the value "1234"
is that possible?

0 7 253

No te entiendo muy bien, que quieres hacer?

Que al darte un link, escribas directamente 1234 en ese formulario, en ese campo?

exactly this.
the purpose is, i want to generate multiple urls, and depending on which one you click, the prefilled answer would be different accordingly 

I dont know if I really understood what you meant, but I think that you'll need a ENUM column with the variable options you want to choose.
And Use the formula IFS
[Option] = "First", "1234"
[Option] = "Second", "5678"
[Option] = "Third", "abcd"

guys i'll try to explain that again.

I have a table with license plates for different car models (2k plates, 20 models). each car model has it's own different form in appsheets. i want user to be able to open the proper form from that table, but when they open the link the license plate is already prefilled. that's why in this table i wanted to add column with url to the form of those models.
you can do that in google forms easily, i though it would be possible also here

Humm, so you want to connect it to the google forms, right?
Or you want a form built in appsheet?

If you want a form buit in appsheet that is easy you'll just need to use DeReferences (see here), or maybe just a virtual column with a formula that is just the name of the column you want and it will be prefilled. 

You will need to create just one form with multiple pages and tabs in it, not necessary to create many forms, so the user will advance the tabs, multiple tabs in forms here

This is a kind of thing that I'd need to talk to you and understand how to do what you want.

PS: If you want to connect the Appsheet with your Google Forms, I guess you won't find much help from the community. I recommend you ask chat GPT

Yes it's possible. When you want to open a new form with the URL and pass a value for an input field in the form, you need to use deep link with a formula. The end part means the same than ..defaults={"COLUMNNAME":"",[COLUMNNAME],""}")


LINKTOFORM("car_form", "Model", "Toyota", "License Plate", "Z-WTHY-PP"))

When you press this action, you go to form, and you have prefilled in the Model: Toyota, and License Plate: Z-WTHY-PP

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