geolocation - find nearby coordinates from an indicated coordinate

Hello how are you? I hope that very good. Friends, I need help with an issue that I don't know how to solve. I tell you about the situation. I am trying to determine at what point an activity has been carried out based on geolocation. the use case is as follows. The user creates an activity and automatically registers the geolocation. On the other hand, several points are stored in a database table. (These points are the physical places where an activity could be carried out) Each point has its coordinates, and many of these points are close to each other. In case the position that has been registered when creating an activity coincides with the position of a point, I can determine at which point the activity is being carried out. But if there is NO match between the activity record and a point, the user must tell me at which point he is carrying out the activity. To be sure that the user enters this point correctly. I need to be able to identify which are the 3 closest points to the position where the activity has been created, and from these 3 points make the selection. Help me solve it?

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