how can you export a reference column to CVS?

Hi, how can you export a ref colum (not ref_rows) with another colum linked to it ? or a searchable  ref_rows that i can export via parent-child table relation ship?


0 6 141

Hi @ntra508 
I am not sure if I understand your question properly but take a look at this:
Hope it solves your problem!

Hi @mateo  so in the Automation>task>make a file. I trying to export an cvs file.

but my I built a my data like this

page i wanted to export------List-----------reference colum-----------------list

when i insert  


<<Start:[reference colum]>>






it didn't work and return reference column is not a list type 

Sorry, I do not get what you really wanna achieve. Can you show an example of your expectations maybe?

I'm sorry if I bothering you but i cant figure how to explain it to you. So here it my best explanation. I try to get the export a data behind a reference Colum like this one

Screenshot 2022-04-28 011737.png





and here is the data the reference Colum link to and it also the data i want in my cvs

Screenshot 2022-04-28 011808_LI.jpg


You mean sth like this? Give it a try 😊

<<Start: [Related Quote Venues]>><<[Venue Name]>>

<<[Venue ID]>>

<<[Option ID]>><<End>>

If I understand correctly what you want to accomplish, the separate thread about Create .csv file containing all child rows with a given parent id has additional helpful explanation of the technique that @mateo explained.

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